No Room for Guilt in the Creative Process


How often do you fall into the trap of FEELING GUILTY for not making more art? When I have been separated too long from my creativity, in addition to the agitation and general grumpiness, I’m often astounded by the amount of intense guilt I feel. Guilt for wasting my potential. Guilt for not being productive. Guilt for not taking time for myself. Guilt when I watch others…even artists with kids…killing it in their creative field. I swear the guilt is actually the worst part of not making art. Isn’t that messed up? It’s also fixable.


I came up with this Yoda-like mantra to help with the situation. CREATE, OR DON’T CREATE…THERE IS NO GUILT.

I have come to realize that all artists take breaks of one form or another. No one is an ever-steady flow of creation. Breaks are even necessary to help our minds and creativity rest and replenish. They are also necessary because we are not robots, we are humans living super intricate and complex lives. We deal with grief, illness, loss, good fortune, new opportunities, new relationships—good or bad, life events make waves in our creative patterns.

Being intentional is key. If you are ready to make art and you need it in your life right this minute, then make it happen! Decide that it’s a non-negotiable. Make art on the back of receipts, on post-it notes, in a sketchbook in the car. There is ALWAYS a way to make art if you really want to.

OR…..and this is a very important or…

Decide that this really is not a good time for you right now, and be okay with that. Take a specific, intentional break from creativity for set amount of time. Look at your life, be realistic, and set a date in your calendar for when you would like to check in with art again. Allow yourself to feel good about stepping away, and actually enjoy that time to nourish other aspects of your life.

What you should never do is this: not make art and feel guilty about it! Isn’t that just the worst!?! There’s no room in the creative process for guilt. Don’t do that to yourself! Take that break if you need it. Watch TV in bed. Roll around in the grass with your kids. Focus on the relationship that needs the work. Whatever it is, make peace with the time away from your creativity. When you are ready, I promise art will be there…waiting to refill and replenish you in new ways.

Sending Love,


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